Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Getting ready to go!

Well, we're in the last stages of getting ready for the big move. One of the things that was brought to my attention was that Joe's current haircut might not make the Navy "cut". So, with the help of my mother-in-law, I learned how to give Joe a proper Navy haircut! I think I did pretty good for the first try!

For those of you who aren't in the loop yet, we travel today! Our travel itinerary looks something like this:

-Monday, June 29th, depart Indianapolis ~3PM, fly United through O'Hare with a 2-hr layover to Seattle. Arrive in Seattle ~8PM local time.

-After arrival in Seattle, check in to AMC flight ~11PM. A AMC flight is a military charter - we have no idea what plane will be there! It will probably be something like a 767 belonging to American or somebody else, though, not a C-130!

-Even though we check in at 11PM, the flight doesn't take off until about 3AM Seattle time on the 30th. It flies direct to Okinawa.

-Wednesday, July 1st - after crossing the date line, we arrive at Kadena air base in Okinawa ~2PM, just after midnight EST! Upon arrival, we will desperately try to stay awake until at least 8 or 9 so we can get a full night's sleep and resume some sort of normal schedule. Expect more posts after our arrival.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That is quite the travel schedule. Looks like you will be landing pretty soon. Hope the trip went well!
